Play a round of golf
Help us equip more students with a Biblical foundation for life!

Everyone is invited to join us for our FIRST ANNUAL golf tournament! The tournament will be held at Lexington Golf Club on Tuesday, April 22, 2025. Come play a round of golf or sponsor the tournament, all while helping us raise money to better equip students with a Biblical foundation for life. 100% of the proceeds from this year's tournament will go to benefit our Forward in Faith building campaign. To learn more about the campaign, you can read about it here. We appreciate your support. 

Become a Sponsor:

If you or your business would like to sponsor the tournament, we would love for you to partner with us! There are several sponsorship levels for you to consider:

Hole Sponsorship:$150 (yard sign at a hole on the course)
Patriot Package:   $1000
Front Nine Sponsor:      $1500
Back Nine Sponsor:       $1500
Tournament Sponsorship:   $2500 or more (logo on a banner at                                                                 entrance)

Sign up to play:

This is a four-man Captain's Choice tournament at Lexington Golf Club. You have the option of signing up as an individual or as a team of four. Each registration includes: green fees, golf cart, breakfast, lunch, beverages, and a swag bag. Check in is from 8:00-8:30 on the day of the tournament.
Individual:   $100/individual
Team (4 golfers):$400/team